Maybe AI is Just the Internet - Literate Computing

A long time ago, when I was a technology education professor, on the first day of class, I told students that they were to put a document on the internet. This was something that very few of them had ever considered, much less knew how to do. The assignment was simple: turn in a URL that pointed to a page on the internet, and have that page describe how it was they figured out how to create that document so that it could be retrieved with a web browser. This was a long time ago, so it required a bit of creativity, but for those who knew already, there was a requirement that you had to solve this problem a way that you’d never done it before—so a web designer who was in the class would have to use some new tool or method to solve the problem. No novel-to-you solution was off-limits. Only once in over a dozen iterations of the class did someone just get someone else to do it for them, which I thought was very clever.

This is a companion discussion topic for the original entry at
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First post! Sorry, I just had to do it, since no one commented on the last one of these and I wanted to see if this thing is really working.

Ha! I really works. I suppose I could delete this.