Create a Bluesky/PDS Server (Personal Data Server) with the Literate Computing Dashboard

Once you have logged in here, scroll down to “PDS Server Installation” and click Get Started!

You’ll need a hostname that you controll, a Digital Ocean API Key and a Mailgun API Key (instructions for creating the API keys are provided by the dashboard).

When you have entered that information, you’ll see something like this:

Clicking the green Purchase $20 PDS Install will take you to a Stripe page to purchase support for your install (and the work it took to automate it!). If you’d rather not support my work or have my support should you have any trouble, you can click the button below to join the Free Trial Group. When you get back to that page, you can click the install button (at this writing, it still says “Install Discourse!”, but if your “Install Type” has “PDS” in it, you’ll get the PDS server.

After clicking the “Install” button, a Droplet will be created, and a few minutes later, you’ll get an email with instructions for creating the DNS records required; when those are in place, the installation will continue and you’ll get an email letting you know that it’s done.