Adding Pfaffman to Cloudflare, Digital Ocean, and others

For most installations, the dashboard does all of the work and there is no reason to give me login access to any of your accounts. In special circumstances, and generally for additional costs, it may make sense to allow me to log in to your various accounts to make changes.

Digital Ocean

Note: If you don’t have an account already, use this referral link to get some free credit.

To give me access, you need to add to your team. If you are logged in to the Digital Ocean dashboard, you should be able to do that from this page. and click the Invite Members button. You may need to create your team. Please do not name your team “Discourse.”

If you do not have an account, you can use this referral link. Click your Avatar, edit account details, to see the manage team link. does not have a means for a single login to manage multiple accounts, so you will need to invite me with an email address like

You can retrieve your API key from the settings page and scrolling down to the API section.


For most installations you are responsible for making your own DNS changes. Having me do it typically costs an additional $250. To add me to your account, under “Manage Account” click “members” and enter (without adding a +yourdomain to the username). Documentation for managing teams may be available here.

You can find the API Tokens page by clicking your Avatar, selecing, “My Profile” and then it’s on the left navigation panel. Having the dashboard adjust your DNS settings with an API key is under development.